畢業於紐約Pratt institute電腦圖像研究所。現職於國立臺北藝術大學新媒體藝術學系教授,為加州大學戴維斯分校CLTC加州照明科技中心訪問學者,專長為沈浸設計、動畫裝置、光藝術。他主張動畫不應局限於主流媒體和刻板印象,利用充氣、點鈔機、3D列印、旋轉台與AR等虛擬與實體結合的方式,重新在生活環境中尋找賦與生命(Animate)的形式與題材。動畫作品發表於ARS ELECTRONICA、SIGGRAPH、HCI International、AHFE等國際研討會上展出。近年來關注光藝術和沈浸式環境的發展,特別關注不同藝術學科如何溝通和協作,以及非傳統展覽空間如何提供藝術體驗。他創辦的關渡光藝術節,成為關渡藝術節的重點項目。

個人網站: jiamingday.com

《翻滾比爾/Flip Bill》

媒材 動畫裝置 / 點鈔機
年代: 2015


Promoted by the successful model of industrialization, the artistic value of animation here is far lower than the commercial value. The production of animation is like counting banknotes. The products spent and earned compete fiercely on the world stage, and the protagonist behind the economic power is like the popular protagonist Bill. , working hard to revitalize the economy. The animation content design of the protagonist Bill is mainly based on two actions: exercise and fatigue. Just like the competition in the animation industry around the world, as a result of all countries going all out, there are only a few winners and losers. Had to show fatigue and embarrassment.

《EAT達文西/EAT Da Vinci》

媒材 沈浸式體驗 / 動畫 / 食材 / 互動
年代: 2021

「EAT」,是由Experimental(實驗的)、Artificial(人造的)、 Technical(科技的)三個不同的英文形容詞組成,訴說創作者從事新媒體藝術創作時抱持著實驗精神創作出科技藝術作品。由餐廳的包廂改造而成的「達文西人造實驗室」,在餐桌的用餐空間中,透過沈浸式影像與餐點餐具做呼應,讓味蕾隨著影像的變幻而有不同的感受,融合影像、聲音及互動,循序漸進地堆疊餐點的層次,讓在用餐的同時,彷彿置身於浩瀚無垠的宇宙、繁花綻放的詩意空間,化身與大自然的點點螢火、天空中的朵朵白雲,與浪漫的繁天星斗一同共餐;從舌尖到雙眼,每口嚐到的和眼睛觀賞到的,處處皆是驚喜.

Experimental, Artificial, and Technical are thethree element substances that compose the theme 'EAT.' It defines theartists creating new media art with the experimental spirit inspired byLeonardo Da Vinci. Dining in the 'Da Vinci Artificial Laboratory,'which was altered from the VIP room of the Da Vinci kitchen. Sitting in aneight-person table dining space, the immersive images resonate with the dishesof the meal, making the food taste different as the images change. Immersivewith images, sound, and interaction in the dining space and the differentlayers of the meal that gradually stack in the mouth gives the sensation ofbeing in the vast universe. Being in the flowers blooming poetic-like spacewith the fireflies sparking, fluffy white clouds resting, and romantic starry starsshining in the sky. The perception from the palate getting every bite and theeyes seeing the different images are full of surprises with every step.

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