奧地利林茲電子藝術節: Ars Electronica Campus 2024 《觀察者模式 Observer Pattern》
展覽日期 2024.09.04-09.08
展覽地點 Ars Electronica POSTCITY
音像藝術表演 2024.09.05 19:30 Hauptplatz 6
展覽手冊 https://issuu.com/tnua/docs/observer_pattern_0829_one
奧地利林茲電子藝術節( Ars Electronica Festival)為全球規模最大的電子藝術節,北藝大新媒體藝術系今年再度獲邀參加,推出展覽:「觀察者模式( Observer Pattern)」,將於 9月 4日至 8日在奧地利林茲市舉行。展覽將展出江紹綸、呂坤彧、謝佩庭、郭子耘、鄭祖豪,五位現就讀於北藝大新媒系藝術家的精彩作品。
▘ 北藝大新媒體藝術系受邀奧地利林茲電子藝術節
▞ Ars Electronica Campus 2024
▖ 推出展覽 ⛚ 觀察者模式 Observer Pattern ⛚
▚ 「 Observer Pattern 觀察者模式」 in 林茲電子藝術節 Ars Electronica
▞ 更多台灣在林茲電子藝術節的展出 ☞
⛚ 觀察者模式 ⛚
如今,機器的感測器、影像處理、聲音處理、數據分析與反饋等都成為媒體藝術中重要的一部分,而藝術家如何在機器的擴延與協作下進行創作呢 ?
計畫共同主持人 | 王福瑞、戴嘉明
策展人 | 王連晟、林晏竹
參展藝術家 | 江紹綸、呂坤彧、謝佩庭、郭子耘、鄭祖豪
新媒體藝術學系教師 | 林俊吉、魏德樂、王福瑞、袁廣鳴、戴嘉明、王連晟、王俊傑、孫士韋、林書瑜、黃裕雄
音像表演藝術家 | 蕭力綺、賴宗昀、黃雅農
行政助理 | 粘雅文
⛚ Observer Pattern ⛚
Today, sensors, image processing, sound processing, data analysis, and feedback have all become integral components in media art. How do artists create with the extension and collaboration of machines?
In the “Observer Pattern” exhibition, the roles of machines in art are analogized and examined based on behavioral patterns. When the artist is the subject, machines are not only tools for artistic production or intermediaries that transform concepts into works, but also play important roles in each stage ── beginning with observation.
As machines are becoming increasingly intelligent, people’s lives and organizational patterns are gradually taking on the characteristics of systems operations. Machines extend the sensory perceptions of humans and collaborate with them. They also become observers. With a detached perspective as the starting point, they reshape how humans and the world are observed.
Within the context of human-machine coupling, Taiwan is an island that has long been out of sight, yet has continually been gazed upon by empires. It emerges in a complex hybrid state, including its emphasis on individual will and technological culture. Although not fully formed, this state is already in view.
Through interactions between machines and the surrounding world, artists translate their inner intuition, emotions, and thoughts into creative production. The 'Observer Pattern' exhibition reveals how machines become new observers, co-shaping a world of meaning alongside humans.
⫸ Date | 2024.09.04-09.08
⫸ Venue | Ars Electronica POSTCITY
⫸ Waldeggstraße 41, 4020 Linz, Austria
⫸ Audio Visual Performance | 09.05 19:30 Hauptplatz 6
⫸ Exhibition Brochure | https://issuu.com/tnua/docs/observer_pattern_0821_compressed
Project Co-director | Fujui Wang, Jia-Ming Day
Co-curators | Lien-Cheng Wang, Yen-Ju Lin
Artists | Daniel Chiang, Kun-Yu Lu, Pei-Ting Hsieh, Tzu-Yung Kuo, Zu-Hao Zheng
Audio-visual Artists | Li-Chi Haiao, Tsung-Yun Lai, Ya-Nun Huang
Administrative Assistant | Ya-Wen Nien
Visual Design | Zueia Lu