展演日期 2024.05.09 ()~ 06.11()

開放時間 10:0013:0014:0018:00(周三休館 )

展演地點 中興文創園區(宜蘭縣五結鄉中正路二段6之8號),有料倉庫、 54號建物、南榕廣場

主辦單位 宜蘭縣政府文化局( 聯絡電話:03-9655440#216)

藝 術 家  王連晟、江育任、陳薈茗、大石曉規 徐乙白、陳淑燕 練柏宏

票價資訊 免費




Following the exploration of lines in 2023's 'Weaving and Making: A World Between the Real and the Virtual', this year's Art Maker Festival takes on a dreamy evolution to 'Continuation of Weaving: Roaming Around the Artistic Wonderland'. Transitioning from the weaving of lines to the flow of images, the festival combines 5G technology and VR equipment to create a magical space where arts, consciousness, and an alternative world converge.

Each piece of art serves as a pathway of exploration and ingenuity, guiding you through a world of limitless imagination. The exhibited works encompass various forms of art, including two-dimensional paintings, sculptures, technology-driven installations, interactive multimedia, and more. Artists Akinori Oishi, I-Pai Hsu, and Shu-Yen Chen continue the thematic focus women and indigenous peoples from 2023. Po-Hung Lien employs AI-driven real-time computing to generate visuals and sounds through body sensors, creating an infinite loop within the space. Lien-Chang Wang transforms sound into real-time generated visuals, highlighting the vital interaction between nature and humanity. Yu-Jen Chiang explores the shaping and fading of memories through interactive visuals, contemplating the complex interplay of time and space. And, Hui-Ming Chen connects people's impressions of Yilan in a collaborative way, turning them into mixed media collage works.

Now, please follow the path of paper curtains and begin roaming around the world of arts!




作品名稱:聲影共生 -聲長計畫



說明: 將聲音轉化為圖像,隨著聲音的大小去對應出不同的物件。這些物件會隨著時間的推演而產生變化,這些變化卻不同於自然界的消長,反而更像是人為的建造與淘汰,周而復始的循環。利用科技媒材將聲音具像化的方式來引導觀眾前來互動,希望透過互動的過程,可以喚起民眾對於當代環境生態與環保的關注,並思考自身與所處環境密不可分的關係。體驗時間:無限制 您可以在此空間發出聲響 ,畫面中的物件會根據您所製造的音量生長成不同大小 ,並隨著 時間推演發生變化。 建物圖像來源:宜蘭府政府文化局、宜蘭縣立蘭陽博物館博物館家族網頁 #聲音設覺化 #即道舞影像

TitleCoexistence of Sound andVisual - Growing Sound Project
Lien-Chang Wang
Computer, microphone, projector
Transforming sound into visuals, correlating different objects withvarying volumes of sound. These objects change over time. These changesresemble the construction and elimination processes of human interventionrather than the natural ebb and flow, perpetuating a cycle. Using technology tovisualize sound, the audience is encouraged to interact. It aims to raiseawareness about contemporary environmental ecology and environmentalprotection, and prompt contemplation on the inseparable relationship betweenindividuals and the environment. Experience Duration: Unlimited When youproduce sounds space, objects in the visual space will grow in according to thevolume generated over time. Image sources for the buildings: Cultural AffairsBureau of the Yilan County Government, Lanyang Museum Yilan Museum Familywebsite. #Sound Visualization #Real-time Computing Visual

作品名稱:藝鏡幻影-The Receipt of Memory



說明: 記憶堆疊留下的證據與人交談時,關於字句的記憶一層一層在腦海中堆疊,這些記憶可能日越模糊,卻不會完全消失。或許隨時間推移而隱藏, 又再隨事件而觸發想起,無論是否清晰,曾有過的皆還存在著。將對記憶的觀察與生活經驗的相似之處互作連結,以塗鴉隱喻每一件送入腦中的訊息,並以收據隱喻訊息存在的證明。 體驗時間:30秒 請以指腹在觸控螢幕上輕輕塗鴉,將可從後方獲得你在自造祭專屬的記憶收據。 #熱感應

TitleArtistic Mirror Illusion - The Receipt of Memory
Yu-Jen Chiang MaterialInteractive device, thermal paper
In the course of conversing with others, memories accumulate like evidence, layer by layer, in the mind. While these memories may gradually fade, they never vanish completely. As time passes, it may become hidden and then recalled by events. Whether clear or not, what once existed still remains. By connecting observations of memory with similarities in life experiences, doodles metaphorically represent every message sent to the brain, and receipts metaphorically represent existence proofs of message. Experience Duration30 Seconds Please gently doodle on the touchscreen with your fingertips to get your exclusive receipt of memory from the Art Maker Festival. #Thermal Printing





說明: 本作品邀請宜蘭縣大同鄉四季國小學生、在地居民及一般民眾共同發揮創作能量,將對於部落/宜蘭在地的情感轉化為拼貼視覺,最後由藝術家從這些作品中精選元素,整合構成為「故事島嶼百景圖」 一座座色彩繽紛的島嶼交織、錯落在畫面中,不僅承載著宜蘭的風光。也蘊含著對生活的熱愛和感悟,呈現出對宜蘭風景的多元想像。

TitleInterweaving Dreams and Landscapes - Imaginary Landscape

ArtistHui-Ming Chen

Co-creatorSi Ji Elementary School of Datong Township, Yilan County

Description This collage of nature invites students from Si Ji Elementary School in Datong Township, Yilan County, residents, and the general public to unleash their creative energy. Participants are encouraged to transform their emotions towards the tribe/locality of Datong/ Yilan into collage visuals. From these creations, artists will select elements to weave together into the 'Hundred Scenes of Story Islands. 

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