110級畢業製作《新增註解 neo-annotation》

110級畢業製作:新增註解 neo-annotation



展覽日期 date | 2025/4/18 — 2025/4/26(週一休館)

開放時間 opening hours | 10:00 — 20:00

展覽地點 venue | 臺灣當代文化實驗場 C-LAB 圖書館展演空間 Art Space II

開幕表演 opening performance | 2025/4/18 17:30

聯繫窗口 contact | 110th.nma@gmail.com

本屆北藝大新媒體藝術學系110級畢業展「新增註解 neo-annotation」,將於今年4/18(五)在臺灣當代文化實驗場C-LAB 圖書館展演空間正式展出。展覽以現代生活中線上編輯工具的「註解」功能為靈感,將「註解」延伸為藝術行動,探索多元觀點和言論如何在科技和社群媒介的推動下共存與對話,引領觀眾在作品中,從多角度理解和重新詮釋熟悉的社會現況、意識形態與日常生活。




The graduationexhibition of the Department of New Media Art at Taipei National University ofthe Arts, titled “neo-annotation” will officially open on April 18th at C-LABArt Space II. Inspired by the 'comment' function found in onlineediting tools that are prevalent in modern life, this exhibition expands theconcept of 'comment' into an artistic action, exploring how multipleperspectives and discourses can coexist and engage in dialogue through theinfluences of technology and social media. It presents new media art as amedium for annotation, encouraging viewers to understand and reinterpretfamiliar societal conditions, ideologies, and aspects of everyday life fromdiverse angles within the artworks.


The exhibitionaims to break traditional viewing frameworks, stimulating a blend andaccumulation of both new and old perspectives through interdisciplinarycreative practices. Unlike conventional text-based annotations, the artworksprovide students a way to 'annotate' the world around them, observing,deconstructing, and reconstructing contemporary phenomena through visual,auditory, and interactive forms. The exhibition space serves as a platform foropen dialogue, offering students the opportunity to express multiple viewpointswhile fostering organic interactions between the audience and the artworks,thereby sparking new connections and ideas.


開幕音像表演 Audio Visual Performance


張欣語 Chang Hsin Yu




Chang Hsin Yu isan interactive, sound, installation artist based in Taiwan. His soundinstallation works discuss the spatiality, mechanism and translation of sound,and through the generative mechanism to respond to life experiences and issues.His audio/visual performances are usually created through programming andextend possibilities of the purest elements.




XTRUX關注數位身份帶來生活狀態轉變及科技引導影像邊界之擴延,擅長以遊戲引擎、動態捕捉、聲光空間雕塑、互動裝置、音像等元素進行開發,創造虛擬及沉浸式媒體的新形態展演形式。自2020XTRUX成立以來,開展了一系列科技與實驗電子音樂結合之沉浸式派對,強調跨領域藝術發生場域的置換,始終迎接多元產業及學科領域合作,拓展當代藝術之可能性。曾為臺北數位藝術中心駐館藝術家,創作及合作作品曾參與西班牙LEVFESTIVAL、林茲電子藝術節、文策院TCCF創意內容大會、C-LAB 聲響藝術節、C-LAB FUTURE VISION LAB、新能祭 SYNERGYFESTIVAL、GLOWBALL FESTIVAL。


XTRUX focuses onthe transformation of lifestyles driven by digital identities and the expansionof technology-enabled imagery. The team specializes in developing new forms ofvirtual and immersive media performances, utilizing game engines, motioncapture, sound and light spatial sculptures, interactive installations,audiovisuals, and more. Since its founding in 2020, XTRUX has launched a seriesof immersive events that blend technology with experimental electronic music,pushing the boundaries of interdisciplinary art and actively embracingcollaborations across various industries and disciplines to expand thepossibilities of contemporary art. XTRUX has also been an artist-in-residenceat the Taipei Digital Art Center and has created and collaborated on worksshowcased at numerous prestigious events, including the LEV Festival in Spain,the Linz Electronic Arts Festival, the TCCF Creative Content Fest, the C-LABSound Arts Festival, the C-LAB Future Vision Lab, the Synergy Festival, the GlowballFestival, and many others.


陳奕銓、廖炫棠 Chen Yi Quan, Liao Xuan Tang






Our team’s worksrevolve around the discourse on humankind, technology, and self-awareness,aiming to explore the intricate relationship between humans and contemporarydigital media while envisioning the possibilities of the post-human era.Utilizing technologies such as audiovisual, interactive, web-based, andgenerative art, we focus on interdisciplinary creations that merge experimentalmusic and visuals, textual narratives, and sound performances.


On 'memory,''dreams,' and 'language' do our recent works center, investigating the extendedconnections between digital data/files and remembrance while creating anarrative space of synesthetic interplay where text intertwines with sensoryperception. Through hand-drawn visuals, wearable installations, and audiovisualperformances, we construct phantasmagoric realms where the experimental, thecorporeal, the mechanical, and memory converge in a state of fragmented,nonlinear narrative.



ADD112 臺北市北投區學園路1號 | No.1, Xueyuan Rd., Beitou Dist., Taipei City 112, Taiwan
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