北藝新媒109級畢業展覽 - BLANK ROBBERS

幕表演 ᴏᴘᴇɴɪɴɢ ᴘᴇʀғᴏʀᴍᴀɴᴄᴇ
2O24.5.26 () 17:OO

覽時間 ɪᴍᴇ              
2O24.5.26 () – 6.02 () 1O:OO – 20:OO

臺灣當代文化實驗場(空總) 圖書館展演空間 1F2F

交通與園內地圖 https://clab.org.tw/traffic/


BLANK ROBBERS,這個詞是瞎搞出來的,顧名思義搶空白的傢伙,也可以叫稱為「白賊」或者「           」。

BLANK ROBBERS 主打的就是一個藝術襲擊,狠狠的在你腦袋裡塞了一個「          」,強迫人們重新思考這個世界,想給現有的秩序來一記迴旋踢。

BLANK ROBBERS 就是故意來搗亂的,用些引人注目的行為想改變現狀,雖然對大眾來說他們只不過是一群招數拙劣的怪咖,但他們也是拼了老命。

即便如此,BLANK ROBBERS 仍相信著,能透過「            」來翻轉認知,並誘導觀者走進他們的世界觀,然後ROB THE BLANK


BLANK ROBBERS is a made-up term for a group of people that steal blank spaces.

The BLANK ROBBERS specialize in a form of art attack, which viciously stuffs your minds with    , compelling people to rethink the world and give the status quo a roundhouse kick.

The BLANK ROBBERS are here to make a scene - and a difference. They’ll do their best to catch your eye, even if it makes them look like a bunch of weirdos in the public eye.

Despite their inexperience, the BLANK ROBBERS believe that their     can change minds, allow the audience to understand their views, and ROB THE BLANK.


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