
「國立臺北藝術大學 新媒體藝術學系」為全國首創,其前身為「科技藝術研究所」(2001年成立),是一跨越人文藝術領域與尖端科技結合的未來學門。它作為推動數位科技與藝術整合的重要推手,以培育前瞻性的「新媒體科技」、「新媒體影像」與「新媒體跨域」等全方位未來藝術創意人才。學系重要定位包括:具高藝術性與創造力領域指標、強調技術與創作思考力之平衡、結合科技應用的獨特創意、發展跨領域與未來藝術的新可能等。畢業學生的專業成就已具體展現,並引領臺灣科技藝術各個領域的連動發展。 The Department of New Media Art at the Taipei National University of the Arts is the first in the country. It grew out of the 'Graduate Institute of Arts and Technology' (founded in 2001) and became a department that breaks through humanities and arts and integrates with cutting-edge technology. It serves as an important promoter of the integration of digital technology and art to cultivate forward-looking creative talents in all domains of future arts such as 'Technology of New Media', 'Image of New Media' and 'Rransdisciplinary of New Media'. The important positioning of the department includes playing the role of indicator of high artistry and creativity, emphasizing the balance between technology and creative thinking, supporting creativities combined with technology applications, and developing the new possibilities between cross-domain and future art. The professional achievements of the alumni have demonstrated and continuously leading the development of various fields of technology art in Taiwan.
ADD112 臺北市北投區學園路1號 | No.1, Xueyuan Rd., Beitou Dist., Taipei City 112, Taiwan
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